Collecting prescriptionsA bit of company for a cup of tea and a chatReading – letters, papers and booksEmail, computer assistanceReplacing hearing aid batteries
About us•We offer help to local people who have problems due to illness, infirmity, accident or hardship.•We use unpaid local volunteers, that have been DBS checked, to provide free help (we do charge 40p per mile for transport expenses).•We provide a telephone answerphone service for local residents to get help.
Call us on - 01580-849280•Youcanleaveamessageanytimeonouranswerphoneandwewillget back to you within 24 hours. •If we can help, then a volunteer will contact you to arrange the assistance.
Feedback from those we helpedPat and Jo who are 94 years old“Idon’tknowwherewewouldbewithoutTCF,whichmakesabig differencetoourlives.Volunteersarewillingtogivetheirtime whentheyareoftenbusy.WeareproudthatTicehursthasthe services of TCF.”Mr & Mrs Kemp“Wearefortunatetohavesuchgoodandkindhelpers.Wedon’t knowhowwewouldmanagewithoutthemsincewehaveno transport.”Sue“TCFvolunteersareexceedinglyhelpfulandgiveprompt attention.Theyarepleasantandfriendlyandthedriversfor medical appointments are dependable.”Sheila“Iwassopleasedwhenakindvolunteermovedmywashing machine for me.”James“IcanfeellonelybutlookforwardtoaweeklyvisitfromaTCF befriender.Heisinterestingandhumorous,andwehavegood discussions and jokes which uplift my spirits.”
About us•We offer help to local people who have problems due to illness, infirmity, accident or hardship.•We use unpaid local volunteers, that have been DBS checked, to provide free help (we do charge 40p per mile for transport expenses).•We provide a telephone answerphone service for local residents to get help.
Ticehurst Community FriendsNeighbours Helping Neighbours01580-849280
Do you need help with the following?•Transport – hospital, dental, social•Occasional gardening•Shopping•Occasional household tasks: cooking, sewing, changing light bulbs, etc.•Dog walking•Collecting prescriptions•A bit of company for a cup of tea and a chat•Reading – letters, papers and books•Email, computer assistance•Replacing hearing aid batteries
Call us on - 01580-849280•You can leave a message anytime on our answerphone and we will get back to you within 24 hours. •If we can help, then a volunteer will contact you to arrange the assistance.
Feedback from those we helpedPat and Jo who are 94 years old“Idon’tknowwherewewouldbe withoutTCF,whichmakesabig differencetoourlives.Volunteers arewillingtogivetheirtime whentheyareoftenbusy.Weare proudthatTicehursthasthe services of TCF.”Mr & Mrs Kemp“Wearefortunatetohavesuch goodandkindhelpers.Wedon’t knowhowwewouldmanage withoutthemsincewehaveno transport.”Sue“TCFvolunteersareexceedingly helpfulandgiveprompt attention.Theyarepleasant andfriendlyandthedriversfor medicalappointmentsare dependable.” Sheila“Iwassopleasedwhenakind volunteermovedmywashing machine for me.”James“Icanfeellonelybutlook forwardtoaweeklyvisitfroma TCFbefriender.Heisinteresting andhumorous,andwehave gooddiscussionsandjokes which uplift my spirits.”